Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Week Eight, Thing Nineteen

So I posted about LibraryThing already, and how much I love it, and how right on I found their recommendations. This time around I cataloged a handful of books I have at home.

Now this is going to come as a shock to those of you who think all librarians have huge book collections, but I don't actually own many books. Why?

1. I am cheap
2. I almost never read books more than once
3. I've worked in libraries for the last nine years

Now I read all the time. It's just that almost all of the books I read I get from work or I borrow from friends. So thinking of five books I actually own was a challenging exercise.

All of my books were quite popular with the exception of Impossible Vacation which is owned by only 90 members. That surprised me. And, get this...no other members own the exact same books that I own.

I added a widget to my blog that shows some of my favorite books. See it? It's on the left-hand sidebar.

If you're interested you can also check out my catalog on LibraryThing.

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